
Meowy Christmas

My Mom and The Fat Black Cat and I spent The Holidays with The Big Cat and His People. All The People got really cool boxes and ribbons and tissue paper to shred play with, but all My Mom got me was some cheap pink and purple catnip mice. And I have to share them with The Fat Black Cat! Whatever!!! an awesome package of catnip mice. Thank you, Mom; they are super cool, so please don't stop buying me things, ok? Even if they are stoopid-looking catnip mice.

 The Tinycat

For me? Oh, you shouldn't have gotten anything for lil' ol' me. What!?! What do you mean they're not for me!?!

Brown Siamese kitties all tied up with string, these are a few of My Mom's favorite things.

I will not look at the mouse. I will not look at the mouse. Humoring Mom

Boxing Day Sit-In: I represent the 99% of spoiled cats


Gone Fishing

Today My Mom went to New England's biggest buffet and didn't even bring home a kitty bag.

This is a lovely entree Hawaii's state fish, the Humuhumunukunukuapua'a


Je Suis La Petitchat Siamois

[Ed. Note: This is Dutch, not French.
Minnow has much to learn.]
My Mom came home from her French class tonight and told me and The Fat Black Cat that it's time we stop pussyfooting around show some initiative and learn French, too. Especially if we are going to continue to visit Le Maison du Grand Chat. I argued that since I am Siamese, heiress to an ancient & esteemed lineage of kickass ninjas, I should honor my noble forefathers and focus my laser dot beam-like attention on polishing my Simon Simian Siamuguese Siamalian Siamish Siamdinavian Jedi mind-tricks Siamamese. ... The Fat Black Cat said that since she's Lani's Cat, she should learn Catalan. Whatever!!! Like that's even a language! And what the heck is a "Lani" ??? But anyhow, since Ma Mère is the only one who knows how to open the Magic Food Box boss, we really don't have a stinkin' choice should take her up on this excellent idea. And so, let l'aventure commence!

 La Petitchat

 (et La Gros Chat Noir)

I'm pretty sure this says "Siamese rule the house." Am I right?
This Cocteau dude was onto something....

Making Myself Indispensable

My Mom always says "Idle paws are the Devil's playthings."* So this morning, I'm practicing being a Guard Cat. I'm scary good, right?!?

[*Ed. Note: I've never in my life said this.  - Lani]


I Came, I Saw, I Conquered (... The Big Cat's House)

The Absolutely Fascinating Armoire

Oh, my goodness! There is this huge, white, wooden cabinet in My Mom's living room that, I'm sure, holds all sorts of Absolutely Fascinating Things! Like maybe fish! Or catnip mice! Or real mice! But My Mom is so mean rotten unfair strict and won't let me look inside. In fact, she is sooooo mean rotten unfair strict that she doesn't even let me into the living room at all unless she is in there. (She says this has to do with "repeat encounters" between her favorite chair and my "velociraptor claws." Whatever!!! It feels sooooo good to scratch that chair I have no idea what she is talking about! And anyhow, any rips in the furniture are all intentional The Fat Black Cat’s fault—because I scratch the heck out of that particular chair very, very gently.) ... Anyhow, there was this one time that My Mom and The Pretty Girl With The Tinydog were talking in Serious Voices about Boys Important Things, and I decided that I just had to, at that very moment, get into the Fascinating Armoire. So I tried slipping my paws under the doors to pull them open. No luck. So I crawled under the Fascinating Armoire to try to get into it from below. No luck. So I walked all the way around it, to see if there were any Minnow-sized holes through which I could enter. No luck. So I leapt up on top of the Fascinating Armoire and tried to get in from above. No luck! Then I jumped back down and took a good, long, studious look at it. Because it's a very old cabinet, there's a hole next to one of the door hinges—and I realized it was a Minnow-arm-sized hole! So I stuck my arm in it, and I'm certain I felt Fascinating Things! I’m certain I could have snagged something to destroy very respectfully opened the door, but by this time My Mom and The Pretty Girl With The Tinydog had stopped talking in Serious Voices about Boys Important Things, and were laughing at me. Whatever!!! I wasn't trying to amuse them! I was trying to get into the Fascinating Armoire! … So that's the story of my life behind This Blog. Stay tuned for updates as I chronicle my continuing quest to get into the Fascinating Armoire and also ruin that chair. And I'll maybe sometimes write about other Exciting Events. Like right now, I am at The Big Cat's house! And so is The Fat Black Cat! And, oh, my goodness, The Big Cat has the most delicious food! He is so lucky! Maybe someday, if I keep eating his food, I'll be a Big Cat, too!


 The Tinycat